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300 kilometers through the Mecklenburgische Seenplatte.

Some already anticipate the reaction when they mention that they have signed up for the MSR 300 and will master 300 km! And you know that this challenge is within everyone's capabilities. This is evident year after year in the beaming faces of the participants at the finish line.

The 300 km mark - is a magic number in cycling because it is a challenge for every participant.

The philosophy of the MSR team is quite simple:

The Olympic idea counts: Being there, achieving goals you set for yourself, and doing something "crazy" that's outside your comfort zone. Everyone is a hero to us who is on this path.

We support everyone from registration to the finish line in such a way that everyone makes it. With important tips and tricks in preparation for the MSR and with everything that goes with it, when they are on track at the MSR.

Here all participants experience the beauty of the countryside and its people in a special region of Germany.


All information about your Mecklenburg Seen Runde you can find in our announcement.